Tuesday, July 31, 2007


<<< the kecohrablez clanz... "how u ppl been doin wit ur attchmnt lah sei" haish... =( ku miz mu sume tau!!!!!!!! uuwwaaahhh!!!! "LOLZ" lame nvr go skool sumore... rindu tau the time wen goin to skool all together making fun at each other luffin all the way... "ishkz" agi2 wen goin back home where we will wait 4 sume to gather aru go... "ehemz, lurvin ichi other lah katekan...ahakz!" but ony our dee is not in the pic sia =[ "slalu mcm gini tau" neh mind hor... maybe nxt time if there is nxt time... ehemz! =p "chakz"
>>>the nyetianz republic... "bile mau confession neh?" ishk ku agi miz tiz farkin republic of mine... dah lame dok jiwe wit tiz farkin ppl! "lolz itz true we farkin sia! wakakaakkakakahakz! =p" sume pon dah go each other own path... ape mau uat kan kan kan...tetapi walau bagai ane pon laut bergelora kita ttp teguh bersama! "ewah! amcm bermadah plakz...lolz" eewww nak jiwe2 karatz neh tol tak kene wit kush... bluekz! ahakz... "well see the ppl" ehemz! pokez lah bile nak jmpe neh sume!!?? nti bile dah set3 me3 satu2 blah3.... wakakakakakaka! ape ckp neh? bbl kerlz jek lebih... "wasted" tkpe nti ku plan kan agi ar wit bam... neh bam pon satu ane go neh?? ku tunggu dier nyer *posting* lolz... neh mesti modem kene pull sia... ahakz! ngok lah nti friday ku come to the rescue!! "pinjamkan lappy lah sei" hehex... =] wokay2 bynk bbl nti bnyk bohong... "ehk lame tk use tiz phrase ehk?" *step blur* LOLZ per jek lah ku neh... aitez chaouz! =p


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

haish... wtf lah sei... knnbccb pade anakz haram jadz sume! *FRUST TONGGEKZ SIA KU * dah lah werkin life sux to the core beh budak2 lakz satu2 prangai mcm sundz! yg satu bwh memang nmpk sah gataiz sia! dah tk leh sabark agi kape? ku cocokz wit besi panas pon baekz ar! really sei dah tkd ajaran sia! *EEEEIIII GERAMZ NYERZ!!!!!!!!* kppl siaz!
yg agi satu agi mcm babz! nak kahakzkan jek kat muke satu2! dah kutok oang blakang satu hal den end up nak start promotin gonceng2 plakz! ape ckp neh! bbl kerlz sia sume! *PUIKZ* yelah saham naek per... mcm phm! but plz ar sei not tat ku jeles ke haprak ar cume attitude maintain ar sialz! *LIKE POMPAN MURAHAN SIA* ku tarokz satu bilikz bomz sia! aarrrgggghhhhhh!!!!! really ar lau nmpk neh budak2 ehk mood swing siolz dgn tetibe! *I GOT MY OWN REASONZ TO BE LIKE TAT SO PUKIWAKMAKZ LEKZ SUARZ!* sumtime i felt tat i'm puttin a fake smile on my face! *DDDAAAMMMNNN!!!* actually it'z farkingz true! but who giv a shitzy! ony to certain peepz will understand! tapi 4 tiz budak2 i really giv up on u pplz! so don ever come to me for help coz i won't bother anymore & tiz is certain! *UAT HAL SNDRI PON BAEK AR*
psl werk lakz! it really make me sick! startin to vomit all the way... can't take any food... perotz kosong siaz! sickness!!! gastric & migrane attack at the same time... *TIZ IS TERRIBLEZ* haish... werkin late shift sumore! wtf! nabeichaptengteng!! dah lah neh sume mcm soyalanz! *IGNORING MODE WILL BE ON BY NOW* get loose! don ask me why... irritating specimen! *STMF*


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sanity my little friend...
I'm staring at the wall...
Clouds make pictures in the sky...
My eyelids start to fall...
Isn't it wonderfull today?
I don't have any games to play...
The clock sings a simple song...
Singing it all day long...
I'm Bored...
Tv's on confuse my brain...
I laugh at nothing funny...
Preacher say's i'm going to hell...
But he still wants my money...
~[H][A][I][S][H]~ boredness sia today... hhhmmm... tomorow werkin lakz! haiyakz!
"dum dee dum dee dum"


Saturday, July 21, 2007


KONBAN WA! =P *step bbl jepang lah sei* mrepz... 1stly wud like to say "arigato gozaimasu" many2 to my cuddly bam who gave me the athorities to share bloggiez wit her... *aniway we sistaz mah* ehemz... loye lakz tekak... mcm nak kahakz! =) wakakakakkakakapokewakz! puikz adeq ku konon.... shetzy! ahakz =]

Kamai Masen... *neh mind* today very the best sei... i very the like! "HAPPY NURSES DAY!" hehex... actually tired sia wanna go skool agipon it seems tat there is no point celebratin but after the whole event i realised tat itz the most memoriable day for me... =] got to mit my shrek! *huda* pelokz her very the tite2 sei... really miz her alotz! mcm nak chiomz jekz!! argh!! ewww.... hahax! =p & not forgettin i saw breepost lah sei.... wakakakakkakaklar! his class really kecoh sia... enthu ppl! *agi2 gerl yg dok seblah dier* ekekeke... "MIZ MY DARLZ CLASSMATEZ!" lolz! we oredy taken our class pic but inside the audi sia... *mcm tkd tmpt laen* alah pape lah ehk tk crewetz... ehemz!

"STUDENT NURSE FIFA" yeah... tat's my currently nick will be from now onwards... ahakz! *mcm real ehk... kerekz skejap* LOLZ! haish... its so bloody damny fucky stressy sia werkin in the hospital... really can't take it on the 1st day but after tiz few dayz had past... i felt like i oredy "JIWE" wit my ward... lurv tokin to my pt... but certain oso lil'bit fussy sia! *mcm nak plankong gitu* ishk! lekz fifa... passion.... puikz! ahakz! =p gettin close wit my grp 4 ppl... who consist of me, nabil, naz, shafiq, farhan, rafidah, aisyah, dayah, farah, dilla, izfa *bam's cuzzie*, jamilah, wahidah, nabilah, & chew li.... "ONY 1 CHINESE SEI" =] but we all can get together & tok crappy patty! wakakakkakakakapokewakz! =]

"AITEZ" i tink tat will be enuf 4 today... sure will be blogy'ism nxt free time... "WANNA GO SLEEP OREDY, NANTOK SIA" too tired nowadayz... haish.... =[ ok liao... SAYONARA & OYASUMI NASAI! ~[C].[H].[A].[O].[U].[Z]~ *muackzy* =p


Im GoInG BaNaNaS!

finally got to use da comp for a while...im suppose to spent time wid him to day but last minute when i almost wear my dress...my mom become curious wid who im going out wid and so i say 'im going out wid dee's friend' [sori lah dee i nid to save my butt]

then she ask lots of time who was it?...wats da name? then i called up fifa so she cud save me..but unfortunately she was out to her nursing thing [LOLZ WAKAKAKA] then i act infront of mum da as if im the one being bubbled...so when she get out of my room...i called him up and say dat i cant go out...and i feel so bad coz he already ready to be out of his house...[kene buih lah sey and its like i rarely buih org paling2 pon janji melayu]

so boring sia sit and home and oso feel sad lah its like 2 week i didt meet him...and we plan to watch movie and spent some time together..

i noe mum didt not like me going out wid him...but he just need to change himself...his hair color and stuff like dat...ARGGHHH!!! this so frustrating but i noe he wont do dat [according to a book guy didt like their shawty to change them] ! i really hate to say this but i feel like breaking up wid him...but i dun like da idea of hurt him wasnt my intention to make someone fall and then walk away... sometime when he calls i dun feel like to pick up his call coz i had enuf lying him... many mention :

"dun say u love someone unless u mean it"

i like him but i LOVE someone else...argh! maybe going on wid him was a mistake..I DUNNO! I REALLY DUNNO!

calm down bam!

i nid to go off tis comp before i get my headache again..haiyooh...

take care ppl...i nid to sort out my thinking

bam outsz!

Vote for the nicest pic..LOLZ.....keep me posted...=)
the pictures was taken on 070707..smangat kan fifa ngn bam kai green LOLZ....
Erti Persahabatan-DiDiCazLi
[Saat gembira tertawa
Saat berduka kita sama2
Duduk bermuram
Kita saling memerlukan
Menghormati satu ikatan
Itu lah
Ertinya Persahabtan]##

Terkasar bahasa tapi kita saling memaafinya
Pahit manis Kecapi bersama Bersatu hadapi segala

Bersamalah teman kita hargai Mahkota suci...
Bersamalah teman kita harungi Istana
Erti Persahabatan

Hendaknya kemesraan diantra kita
Seandainya tak lagi bersama
Semua kenangan mengusik jiwa

ok tau ler lyric dia mcm salah tapi bam jus type out ape yg bam dapat dgr dalam lagu tu..wakakak...

Monday, July 16, 2007

Selindungkan hasrat mu itu
Indah persahabatan biar terus bersinar
Tidakah apa yg terkubur dihatimu itu akan menhancurkan
Itukah apa yang kau mahu..
Nodai talian persahabatan dengan percintaan yg tak sampai kemana
Ungkapan manis sekang tak mungkin akan bertahan selamanya
Renungan itu jangan biar bertukar menjadi termpat melepaskan rindu dan perasaan
Sampai menutum mata biar lah persahabatan ini kekal...
Aku panjatkan doa ku pada teman yg ku amat sanjungi
Rela ku melihat kau berbahagia bersama nya..andai itu yg tertulis untuk ku
Aku kan terus memerhatikanmu dari jauh...
Matamu bersinar bagai kilauan bintang dikegelapan malam
terus berdebar hatiku
Namun terlalu jauh dirimu untuk ku capai
aku bagaikan debu kau bagaikan permata
siapalah aku untuk menyimpanmu didalam hati kecil ku
sinaran matamu...
senyuman tawamu...
dalam diam aku yg merindu
munkinkah kita kan berbicara tentang kita
mampukah kau kumiliki..
jikala kumerinduimu
aku mencari sang rembulan yg sedang mengambang penuh
mencari bayangkan wajahmu syg
dan tiba2 aku jadi perindu
andai kau disebelahku kan ku merenungi matamu
dan melafazkan kalimah cinta itu...
Tempatkan aku disudut hatimu agar kau merasai kekuatan cintaku padamu
aku bagaikan dihanyut arusan menaggih cintamu
aku aku tunggu...
dan terus menunggu..
agar kau akan didakapan ku nanti
janagan kau mempersisakan pernantian ku ini....
kau bagaikan degupan jantung ku,
namamu ada disetiap nafasku
kaulah seorang yang ku impikan
didalam mimpi indahku...
setiap kali aku merenung wajahmu
aku teringat mimpi burukku
kita berpegangan tangan tersenyum mesra
dengan tiba-tiba kita berjauhan...
kau memberi senyuman dan pandangan manja
tetapi memberikan kata-kata
yang menyakitkan
ku harap kau beriku peluang
untuk aku menjadi teman....

Sunday, July 15, 2007

1st July 2007-Ma'Wa Charity Carnival-Cum-Alamak Gathering

That day samapai je kat mawa we meet all alamak volunteer like INDEPENDENT,milo,BoyBreep2,Boi17,Sis Angel,aDdIcT,eLiCe,hEdPe,NiNa sKy,aFy,HANTU[MY CINTAAA] blink,Drag Queen,Phyzique,Sayang17,LoverGuy,AbG GiGi and others i cant remember..i meet alot of people lah..and of coz dere people who come to da carnival wid me like BoiBiase,MeTalKid,bOiMeTaL[jantansz kuah],LITTLEBOY,XofeaLV,IMMORTAL,FiFA,BabyButterFly and other group of gerl i dunno who lah..KIWAKAKAKAK..After dat we when to watch da concert..DIDICAZLI was...aww SO CUTE...n his VOICE..FUYOOH! *meltsz*...and SLEEQ was so cute n handsome i so gona fall for Alif Sleeq..LOLZ...yeah his boyish face *yummy*..ok stop it..
anyway DIDICAZLI sang ERTI PERSAHABTAN tribut for ARWAH TRAZ aka SHARUNNIZAM...Upon request from Alamak chattersz. that song has a significant meaning for them and also for me..friendship with people wid different background is not easy but dat day i felt a warmth thing called friendship. i wish i can still felt dat warmth wid my NYETIANZ but some how dat warmth seems fade away..haiz..[Ya Allah,Put Back Again All Dat Pieces Back Again Pls Let The Friendship Last forever] there's also ANUAR ZAIN & FAUZIE LAILY performance. Funny sia watching MY CINTAAA selling corn n green tea..keep on say his trade mark line 'JAHAT KANN..' *chuckles*habis sume macik2 pakcik2 dia usik..hehesPaling tak leh angkat when MY CINTAAA give FiFA & me the leachrous look ..Ewww!!! LOLZ some more can say 'Mcm tembab gitu' while looking at our ..ehem..paranial areas...KIWAKAKAKAKAKA mcm nak kahak seyyyy...
After da whole thing we wen to Parkway to play pool n of coz kite tgk je tak main...coz fifa kai skirt n she dun wanna tongek2..LOLZ...So FiFA n i cabotsz to Burger King to have our BRE-UNCH-NER[breakfast-lunch-dinner] YUP! its our first food for da whole day.. *Doh* then meet up wid da rest @ hawker center coz da other volunteer had finish their stuff n had their dinner there. so lepak japsz n then go back home...had lots of fun!oh yar i meet MY LOVE aka Dtomz and keep on disturbing me for calling him retarded..LOLZ ... tired but happy...
errm i think im tired gotta go sleep...
Bapez swing off...
PS:sedekah kan Al-Fatiha pade arwah Traz[sharunnizam] n Jejaka21[nabil]...semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat...
07/07/07-LIVE EARTH:globalwarming is real we're not exagerating
wear GREEN to show Support..
And i'm out wid my besties n my guy.Mish Fad lah sey then meet her today keep on disturbing her dat she's my ex ..LOLZ...First ting first in da morning follow FiFA for her hep B injection at Bukit Batok.baby told me its near to his old house.then after dat we went to have our breakfast-cum-lunch @ BBCC McDonald...but as usual Miss 'Susah-Nak-Contact-N-Kluar-Rumah aka Fadilah..*LAUGHSZ* have to be late coz need to do her housework...[kita paham!kene jemor kain kan kan kan lolz]so lepak at the Park near fadilah house...punye lah lambat nie minah siap..LOLZ...macam nk tetdo tunggu...
after meet up wid Faddy we're off to Paryway..Jalan2 dere then lepak n eat @ Burger King.and start our cam whoring..LOLZ sure alot of fun..do crazy2 pose...NYETIANZ LOVE CAMWHORING! =p terserlah kebudak2an kita...KIWAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAthen decided to go Esplanade to watch National Day Prade Preview. such a headache finding the way out to esplanade..but manage to sit beside the Merlion to watch da parade from far..but wad we actually waited for is da Fireworksz...hehes...but the other display n presentation was ok...like da presentation dat show jellyfish floating the whole bay...[teringat attack of da jellyfish..lolz] then a something ruin my mood..sudenly i bump into my cousin n anak sedare..so have to sit so far away from baby..haiyooh..then i was like sighing da whole time baby was consoling me..aww..thanksz baby for tahan wid my perangai...n i did realise i dun care abt him when i wid my besti like he kena neglected sia...watch da fireworks..WONDERFUL! i took da video wow i was speechless when watching the sparkling glitter exploading in da dark sky..took my breath away. then after dat wen went back home and fall asleep in da bus on his shoulder..so comfortable..LOLz
watch LIVE EARTH CONCERT....Ouh!da reminds me...when i when out today i didt see many people wearing green on 07/07/07 mcm tak sporting kan! i mean just wear green lah for fun lah....i just stay up until 1 am oni coz so sleepy...but i manage to catch Will pharallel, Rianna and Shakira ouhh darn didt manage to watch Fall out Boys! *doh* linkin park is great too.
Anyway,i didt get to keep away dat sence from my mind keep having falshbackz like a irritating pop-up in da computer..damn it lah..haiz.. i wid someone but my heart is wid someone else...but the hell i just cant tell him.of coz firstly im attach wad will he think n i even leave hints to him before but he straight forward say lets just stay as friends.secondly,his attached..errm..wad the hell lah..thirdly,given my nature of have a short term relationship here n there, i just dont want to destroy wad we have already,dat is a friendship dat i treasure so much...its not easy to have friend dat will tahan wid my giler2 ,perangai sundz and nonsensical self.lets just say i will keep mum coz i love our friendship so much.